The Leader
in the Grandstand IndustryWe Can Design
Your Grandstand, Bleacher or Press Box Directly from Our OfficeEndless Options
for Your Grandstand and Press Box NeedsSightlines Athletic Facilities
Sightlines Athletic Facilities, LLC is the leader in the grandstand industry for design, budgeting and specifying your grandstand or bleacher project. We are the top sales and marketing professionals for Outdoor Aluminum Inc. Whether you are looking for a new grandstand for a new athletic facility, renovation of existing facilities, aluminum bleachers, team benches, aluminum picnic tables or viewing stands, we have the solution for you.

Ready to Design Your Own Grandstand?
Check out the Most Common Design Flaws The Top Ten List.

Purchase Standard Product
You can purchase our standard product online at

Endless Options for your Press Boxes
Our Press Box, Storage, Concession and Restroom Facilities are designed and built in partnership with Whitley Manufacturing.

Director of Business Operations,
“We have purchased numerous sets of bleachers for our stadium through Sightlines
President - Tippecanoe Athletic Boosters,
“I can’t say enough about SAF’s customer service and quick installation.. After
Folks, My name is William Hodge and I am the Facilities Director
“When planning for our new sports complex at St. Marys Memorial High
I am thrilled to provide a glowing testimonial for Sightlines Athletic Facilities.